Photons are imaginary and irrational particles coming straight from Einstein's crackpipe

In the previous article I have proved why Einstein's gravitational redshift does not exist and his general relativity is wrong (because it's prediction of g-shift was obviously false, and could only be 'proved' by adding a bag of helium which changed the wavelength of light from refraction, and not from gravitation).

In this article I will show why his photons don't exist either: because they are inconsistent logically and mathematically !

Einstein invented the photon in order to explain the photo-electric effect, which scientists at his time could not explain using the commonly accepted wave model of light. So the genius Einstein came and enlightened them all. Light is a particle ! But, it is also a wave. Hence, it's a particle-wave. And that is why it causes the photo-electric effect, that is free electrons ejecting from the atoms when ultraviolet light is applied on them. Of course, he got a Nobel prize for this explanation. So it must be true, right ?

WRONG ! The fact that electrons jump off the surface only when high frequency Ultra-violet waves are applied to them is not a quantum thing, in the same way that breaking glass with Ultrasounds is not a quantum thing. It is a resonance thing. The atoms in the glass resonate only when very high frequencies are reached, and they do not flinch when you apply high amplitude low frequency sound waves to the glass. Or do you think ultrasounds are particle-waves too ?

Sure, if only it made any sense.

But it doesn't. Because a wave is NOT a particle.

According to the Webster's dictionary, a wave is:

A disturbance or variation that transfers energy progressively from point to point 
in a medium and that may take the form of an elastic deformation or of a variation 
of pressure, electric or magnetic intensity, electric potential, or temperature.

I don't know what definition was Einstein using, but we can see that according to the scientific definition a wave is a disturbance in a medium. Which cannot be a particle in a vacuum.

Simply put, if there is no medium, there is no wave !

Einstein removed the medium of light, lumineferous aether, in order to make room for his photon particle which does not require a medium of propagation, and which is waving in a nothing, or in a vacuum, and which is moving with the speed of light for no physical reason. Einstein was never able to explain why his photon moved at that speed, or why it had any speed at all.

But even if he did, there is a clear difference between the speed of a wave as a disturbance in a medium, and the speed of a particle in a vacuum. In the case of the light wave, the particles which create the disturbance aka the wave dont move with the speed of light. The disturbance propagates with that speed. So the speed of light only reflects the time that it takes for the disturbance to propagate through a certain distance in the aether medium. Just like the speed of sound reflects the time in which the disturbance of air molecules propogates from point a to point b, the air molecules dont move with 1234 km/h from point to point, only the disturbance which is caused by their oscillations or vibrations. In the case of the photon, the light is a particle which moves like a projectile with speed c from point a to point b. Oh, and it waves while doing so.

 This simply has nothing to do with the propagation of waves. And his photon has nothing to do with real physics. 

Also Einstein does not explain what is the disturbance which causes the photon to wave in a vacuum, and he simply postulates that the photon is moving in a vacuum with the measured speed of a light wave, c. He never explains how or why does the photon travels at this speed, or why it travels at any speed at all, while in the ether wave theory of light the speed of light wave is explained by Maxwell who calculated it as a sound wave in the ether with an aproximate result to the measured speed of light.   

Then Einstein also postulates that the photon is massless, which  only makes sense if the photon is a wave, and not a particle

He does so because light waves, or any waves, dont have mass, and he has to equate the mass of his photon particle-wave with that of a wave- which is always 0. Because mass is not a property of waves. It is a property of particles.

A sound wave, for example, is massless. But the particles which oscilate and create the disturbance in the medium have and must have mass, in order to tranfer their kinetic energy from point to point in the medium (K=mv^2/2).  Otherwise, they can have no kinetic energy, and they cant transfer any energy from one to another. In other words, even if the wave itself has no mass, it cannot exist in the absence of particles with mass.

It can only exist in Einstein's crackpot imagination, where space curves and expands.

And while Einstein got it right that mass is not a property of waves, you know what else is a property waves ? 


Now, what is the amplitude of a photon particle that waves ?

There isnt one. Because Einstein forgot to add it.

And he calculates the intensity of a light beam by counting the number of photons, which have ni amplitude what so ever. Imagine that, a wave with no amplitude! Basically a line, in which photons travel as lines, not as waves.

But I guess if you can imagine a wave without a medium, you can imagine a wave without an amplitude too. Which basically means it has no wavelength, and no frequency, and no energy. Because it doesnt exist.

There is nothing logical or physical in his theories, and his photon is nothing but a nothing moving in a nothing that expands for no reason.

 And it also waves. Which is physically impossible, since a single particle made of nothing cannot wave. Only when there are many particles with mass inside a medium, do the particles wave. But the particles dont move along with the wave, just their kinetic energy moves as is transferred from one to the next as they collide with each other -very similar to a domino effect.

And Einsteins imaginary photon has ZERO kinetic energy because it has ZERO mass. It cannot transfer any energy because it has no mass or energy (and there is no point to point energy transfer possibility since he denies the ether medium). Einstein didn't understand basic physics, and his photon is a complete non-sense because it is a contradiction of terms and it is imposible to explain physically how a particle without any mass has kinetic energy or any physical property like speed. 

The most obvious proof that  photons dont exist is that they dont have any mass, as particles, and no amplitude as waves. Because a wave without an amplitude is nothing. Just like a particle with no mass is nothing. Seriously where is the logic in einstein's photon ? He basically says a wave is a particle with no mass which waves in a nothing with no amplitude. That is not science, its just a word salad.

He further claims that the intensity of light is given by the number of photons, instead of the AMPLITUDE of the wave. But if photons are also waves, as he claims, then why dont they have any cuantifiable amplitude ? They have frequency and wavelength, but no amplitude. There are no peaks and throughs in his photon. So what the hell does his photon have to do with actual light WAVES, which actually have peaks and throughs (i.e. Amplitude) like any other waves ?

The photon also violates his own theory of mass-energy equivalence, E=mc^2.
It has energy, but it has no mass.

And he explains this by claiming E=mc^2 is valid only for rest mass, and cant be applied to his restless photon, which has no internal but only relativistic kinetic energy E=pc. But p=mv=mc. So we get the same equation E=mc^2, that Einstein was trying to avoid. And m is still 0 so the energy of his photon is still E=0.  This shows there is clearly a circular argument in his photon explanation, which coupled with the contradictions and word salads can only mean that Einsteins theory of light being a particle is FALSE.

But instead of admiting it, he claims that it is also a wave, which is illogical and contradictory, and then simply applies Plank's wave energy E=hf to calculate the energy of the photon as a wave, and not as a particle. What is the logic in this ? He claims light is a particle and then when he cant prove it he claims a light particle is a wave. 

He treats particles as waves as if they're the same thing. They're not, and Einstein was an idiot. 

Or an idiot-genius duality.

Or a curly haired crackpot insanity- as Tesla remarked.


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