Why GPS does NOT prove General Relativity

It is claimed by most mainstream scientists that GPS proves general relativity is correct because the signal gets blueshifted as it goes from space into the earth's gravitational well, which they assert to be a gravitational blueshift of the radio wave- just as Einstein predicted.

But as I have already proved in my first article, Einstein's prediction of gravitational shift has been proven wrong by the very experiment which confirmed it, since the experiment was doctored with helium which caused a refraction of the gamma ray as it passed from the helium bag into air and resulted in a refractional shift, which Pound and Rebka illogically concluded to be a gravitational shift. So gravitational shift simply does not exist because it was confused with refractional redshift, and in the absence of helium-air refraction the gravitational shift could not be detected. Hence scientists persist in this confusion and claim that the GPS radio signal is blueshifted by gravity, when in fact it is blueshifted by refraction- which they completely ignore.  

Refraction causes any EM wave to change its wavelength and shift to red or blue, and this is what happens to the GPS radio wave. If you send a radio wave from the earth's atmosphere into space it gets redshifted, if you send it from space to earth's atmosphere is gets blueshifted.

Because the GPS sattelites are in space, where the radio signal travels at the speed of light in a vacuum 'c', but as the signal passes through the atmosphere of the earth it refracts and slows down, according to the refraction formula v=c/n, where n is the INDEX OF REFRACTION.

The GPS signal travels at the constant speed of light c only in vacuum or space, but as it enters the earths atmosphere it slows down because of the increased index of refraction (n>1) and it has speed v=c/n.

Since f=v/lambda, and frequency f does not change during refraction, this decrease in the speed of light results in a decrease of its wavelength too- which is a blueshift !

So the wavelength will decrease because the speed of the radio wave decreases, not because its frequency increases as it goes into the earths gravitational well as predicted by Einsteins insane theory. 

The decrease in wavelength or blueshift of the GPS signal does not involve any change in frequency, but just a decrease in the speed of light due to refraction from space into the atmosphere.

Ron Hatch, an expert in GPS who has dozens of gps patents, has clearly stated that there is no change in frequency of the GPS signal from the emitter in space to the receiver on earth (see his conference Relativity in light of GPS ). The frequency of the GPS radio wave remains the same, which is exactly what happens in refraction- and which completely contradicts general relativity. (Hatch did not make the connection to refraction though- this is my own ideea)

The scientific fact is, GPS proves Einstein wrong. Because the frequency of the GPS radio wave is not changed at all by the gravitational well as his general relativity theory predicts.  (of course he didnt mention GPS because it didnt exist then)

So these pseudo scientists who say GPS proves Einstein right are completely WRONG and have no clue what they are talking about.

Not only do they not understand how GPS actually works, but they dont understand how refraction works either.

They fail to understand the most basic and elementary refraction physics, but claim to understand Einsteins insanely complicated space curving mind bending physics which they ironically and illogically proved by using refraction. 

When it is obvious that the radio wave blueshift is an immediate  effect of refraction which follows from just two simple equations that even a 5 grader can solve. But not by Einstein and his brainwashed followers, including all mainstream scientists who worship him and his relativistic bible.

And if gravitational shift really existed, then the GPS radio wave should have been affected not only by earths gravity, but by the gravity of the sun too. This does not happen, as the GPS signal is shifted in the same way on earth regardless if its going into or out the sun's gravitational well. If general relativity was correct then the GPS radio shift should have different values based on the direction of the GPS signal relative to sun. That is, it should be further blueshifted if it goes towards the sun, and less shifted if it goes away from the sun's gravitational well. The fact that the GPS signal is blueshifted at the same value regardless of the GPS position relative to the sun shows once more than Einstein was wrong.

The clocks dont run faster in space and slower on earth because of gravitational time dilation.

It is because of the refraction of the gps radio signal from space into the earth's atmosphere, which causes a delay between the time expected by using c as the speed of the gps radio wave, which they do because they ignore refraction, and the actual time when using v=c/n, where n is the index of refraction of the atmosphere.
So the signal gets naturally delayed by refraction, which they ignore, and so they think this happens because of time dilation. Just like Shapiro did. And then they conclude that the clocks on the gps are running faster than those on earth, and that they have to adjust the clocks to fix the error. The only thing that needs adjusted is their IQ, because that is the source of the error


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