Special relativity contradicts big-bang theory, space expansion and dark energy.

'The cosmological constant Λ is the simplest possible explanation for dark energy, and is used in the current standard model of cosmology known as the ΛCDM model.

The cosmological constant Λ appears in the Einstein field equations in the form

{\displaystyle R_{\mu \nu }-{\tfrac {1}{2}}R\,g_{\mu \nu }+\Lambda g_{\mu \nu }=\kappa T_{\mu \nu },}

where the Ricci tensor Rμν, Ricci scalar R and the metric tensor gμν describe the structure of spacetime, the stress–energy tensor Tμν describes the energy density, momentum density and stress at that point in spacetime, and κ = 8πG/c4. When Λ is zero, this reduces to the field equation of general relativity usually used in the 20th century. When Tμν is zero, the field equation describes empty space (a vacuum). -Wikipedia

So when the stress energy tensor, which describes the energy density, is zero, the equation describes a vacuum. That means the energy density of vacuum is zero, according to general relativity. But on the same page they say cosmological constant is vacuum energy, which is not zero.

 And that the unit of the cosmological constant is not Joule, it is 1/m^2 . 

This truly IS dark science. It’s like an obscure religious cult, who interpret the symbols written by their Einstein prophet in way that not even Einstein himself interpreted them. That is, Einstein never ever said that the cosmological constant had anything to do with any energy, it was simply a number he invented and added to his field equations to counter balance gravity/curved space-time and keep the universe static. And that equation already contained stress energy tensor Tμν which describes the energy density at that point in spacetime, and which when is set to zero describes the energy density of vacuum. So that means the energy density of vacuum is ZERO according to his general relativity equation. And it is also zero according to his special relativity equation E=mc^2. Because vacuum has no mass, so E=0. So these big bang scientists are complete morons who dont understand anything that Einstein said ! No wonder cosmology is in a crysys.

Their interpretation of the cosmological constant as dark vacuum energy contradicts both Einstein's general and special relativity which equivalates energy with mass. Because vacuum is massless, it cannot contain any energy, and therefore vacuum energy is not compatible with special relativity, which is a special case of general relativity. Therefore general relativity cannot be interpreted in a way which flagrantly contradicts special relativity, and also basic physics since the units of dark energy and cosmological constant are not the same.

So dark vacuum energy is directly falsified by general and special relativity and the mass-energy equivalence, according to which vacuum, being devoid of mass, is also devoid of energy.

It is also directly falsified by the incredibly large value predicted by Quantum field theory for zero point energy, which is the worst prediction in the history of physics and is widely known as the Vacuum Catastrophe in the scientific community.

Wikipedia states that:

'Using the upper limit of the cosmological constant the vacuum energy of free space has been estimated to be 10−9 joules (10−2 ergs), or ~5 GeV per cubic meter.[3] However, in quantum electrodynamics, consistency with the principle of Lorentz covariance and with the magnitude of the Planck constant suggests a much larger value of 10113 joules per cubic meter. This huge discrepancy is known as the cosmological constant problem or, colloquially, the "vacuum catastrophe."

The cosmological constant problem is that the cosmological is not constant, because it has upper and lower limits which only variables have, and it is illogically equivalated with dark vacuum energy by these big bang imbecils, altough it has nothing to do with energy. Because as I said the unit of the cosmological constant is 1/m^2, not Joule.

It is therefore completelly wrong and illogical to claim that something which is a variable is a constant, and that this so called constant is a measure of energy, when it is clearly a measure of something else.

If you want to calculate energy then Einstein has this equation for you: E=mc^2, 

which shows that only mass can have energy and vacuum can't. Because it has no mass. Doooh !  

So the prediction of QFT for vacuum energy should be compared with that from Einstein's special relativity, which is 0 for vacuum energy. And then the discrepancy is even larger than 10^120, its basically infinite. And so is human stupidity, as predicted by Einstein:


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.

P.S. I am sure he was right on both. 


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