A test for Aether using Doppler effect

The Doppler effect for sound is calculated using a set of equations, which differ for moving source and for moving observer. This is because of the preferred frame of reference which is given by the rest frame of the medium in which sound travels.

Since the speed of the sound wave is relative to its medium or rest frame, the equation for moving source and stationary observer is not the same as the one for moving observer and stationary source. So the Doppler shift will be different in each case, and the shifted frequencies will NOT be the same.

Moving source:   f ’= f (v/v+vs)

Moving observer: f ’= f (v+vo/v)

In the case of light, there is no such preferred frame of reference given by the medium, because Einstein removed the medium for light waves, which somehow became particles over night, and the equation is basically the same for moving source and moving observer. So the Doppler shift is the same for both cases, i.e. the frequencies will be shifted exactly the same amount. 

But as far as I know, no one actually verified if this actually happens, and that the frequencies actually match. Which is not really scientific, to say the least. 

I therefore propose an experiment which will most likely prove that light waves have a rest frame too, just like sound waves do. This rest frame is the lumineferous aether.

The experiment which I propose is very simple: we send a laser beam from a stationary source to a moving observer (receiver), and then from a moving source to a stationary observer (receiver), while using the same speed for both movements. We compare the frequencies, and if the frequencies received coincide, then there is no preferred frame of reference and aether does not exist, just like Einstein said. If they don't coincide, then there is a preferred frame of reference and aether exists, just like Maxwell, Fizeau, Lorentz, Tesla, Huygens, and most scientists before Einstein said. (Actually some even proved it, like Maxwell who calculated the correct speed of light in aether using Newtons equation for speed of sound and applying it to the aether medium)

And when I say very simple, it's actually not that simple in practice because the devices used to measure the frequency of light (spectrum interferometers) are very big and hard to move. And the ones which are smaller, like Fabry-Perot interferometer, are not exactly accurate. 

But, since they are also EM waves, maybe we could just use radio waves and a cop car instead. And a passenger car. So first we place a radio wave detector in the stationary passenger car, which will show the exact frequency of the shifted radio wave emitted by the police car moving towards it at say 100 km/h. Then we move the passenger car towards the stationary police car at 100km/h and detect the frequency of the shifted radio wave emitted by the stationary police car. And then we compare the two frequencies, which in both cases are Doppler shifted. If they are the same, then Einstein was right and the preferred frame of reference for EM waves aka aether does not exist. But if they are not the same, then aether exists, and light is a sound wave in the aether, just like Maxwell asserted when he calculated the speed of light using Newton's sound wave equation, and just like Tesla affirmed that 'Light is a sound wave in the aether'.

He also said that Einstein was a 'curly haired crackpot', and I am confident that this experiment will disprove his relativistic crackpottery once and for all.

Actually twice because I've disproved his general relativity already.

And, since special relativity is a special case of general relativity, I have also disproved it by disproving general relativity. But now I shall disprove SR experimentally too, not just by means of logical deduction. Altough experiments are also based on logical deductions, or illogical deductions in the case of Einstein's thought experiments and lack of thought experiments performed by Pound-Rebka and other pseudo-scientists, like Shapiro effect, which allegedely proved general relativity, by making the same basic mistake of ignoring refraction. Which the Vasile effect has used with great succes to disprove pretty much all of their general relative  experiments.



Ok so I dont need a police car because I can just buy a portable radar gun. So I shall order a cheap radar gun and an advanced (read expensive) radar detector with triple digit frequency display, which should give highly accurate measurements. I will set my car to move at a constant 100 kmh via cruise control and record the frequencies for both cases, first when car with detector on board is moving towards the stationary radar gun, and then I will just swap the detector with the radar gun, i.e. place the radar gun in the moving car and the detector in a stationary car (cause it needs to be connected to an auto plug, unlike the radar gun). Guess what happens if the frequencies will not be the same. I will be aethernally greatful to the police for providing the instrument needed to prove aether exists.

P.S.: No photons were hurt during the making of this experiment. Because they don't really exist. Even if they got completely destroyed by this experiment, it's just a figure of speech.



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