If energy is equivalent with mass, how does a vacuum or empty space have any energy ?

 Since E=mc^2, and vacuum has no mass, then it follows that empty space or vacuum has no energy. How can anyone claim that vacuum has energy, without rejecting this equation and special relativity altogether ?

And even if vacuum had energy, how does that expand space ? When in General Relativity space is curved by mass and energy. It simply does not follow why a space that contains energy will expand, it is a non sequitur. And a clear contradiction of Einstein's theory.

So in order to claim that empty space has energy, you need to reject Special relativity. And in order to claim that this energy expands space, you need to reject General relativity. Big bang cosmologists claim both, so they reject both, while at the same time claiming that both are true and building their standard cosmoillogical model on them.

And then they wonder why cosmology is in a crysis !


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