How Radio waves destroy Einstein's photon and particle-wave duality. Quantum mechanics debunked. Quantum mechanics debunked.

Radio waves disprove the photon particle-wave duality. Quantum mechanics debunked.

Marius L. Vasile @Vasile Effect

March 12, 2024

In quantum mechanics, electro-magnetic waves are claimed to be particles, or photons, in a contradictory postulate which is called 'particle-wave duality'. In this theory an EM wave is equivalent to a particle, named photon, and a single photon particle is, obviously, equivalent to an EM wave.

So by equating a wave with a particle, all properties of the EM wave, such as frequency and wavelength (and no amplitude ?!), are transferred to the photon particle. The problem which obviously occurs is that in the case of radio waves their wavelength can be many kilometers long. Ergo, you end up with a photon particle that is many kilometers long.

If all EM waves are particles (aka photons), then how can a radio wave particle (photon) be several MILES long ?

Obviously, it can't, and obviously, quantum mechanics are wrong.

Which was obvious from the very beginning, since it contains an obvious contradiction, which can only be wrong.

So the particle-wave duality is a logical impossibility, as well as a physical impossibility in the case of radio waves, and therefore quantum mechanics are wrong.

Another obvious problem that arrises from this particle-wave duality is that photons do not have any amplitude, while radio waves and all waves obviously do have one (not for Einstein, or Plank, who forgot to insert it in the EM energy equation*). Because a wave with no amplitude is just a straight line, and not a wave.

In QM, the amplitude of an EM wave is given by the number of photon particles, which are waves with no amplitude ! But that would mean that a wave is not a particle, but many many particles (a clear inconsistency in the theory).  Which would all be lines, and not waves (another inconsistency). So in contrast to the point particles of classical physics, in quantum physics they would be line particles, and not wave particles. And, no matter how many such line particles there are, they would still form a line with no amplitude, and not a wave with amplitude.   


And if a radio wave has amplitude, and it obviously has one, because radio data is transmitted by varying the amplitude of radio waves, then why doesnt the equivalated radio photon particle have an amplitude ? And how does it wave, if it has no amplitude, and it’s just a line particle ?

Obviously, it can’t, and obviously, quantum mechanics are double wrong. Or quadruple wrong. Quadruple wrong mechanics.



 * Plank claimed that EM wave has energy E=hf, which is not proportional with amplitude, which is wrong since the energy of a wave is proportional to it’s amplitude squared, and a wave with no amplitude has no energy because it’s not a wave, but a straight line. 




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