The cosmoillogical constant problems. Unit does not match with energy
The standard cosmoillogical Lambda Cold Dark Matter model is based on the cosmoillogical constant Lambda, which Einstein made up in order to prevent his general relative universe from generally contracting. He later removed it, calling it his biggest blunder, but that did not stop big bang fanatics like Friddman to use it in his equations as it was needed to make the universe expanding, according to Friddman. Because according to Einstein it was needed to make the universe static, and he rejected Friddman's equations, which are used by big bang pseudo-scientists to mathematically expand the universe by adjusting this constant. Which is not really a constant, since its value can vary from 0 to whatever value they want it to have, depending on the rate of expansion they think the universe has based on their illogical interpretation of redshift from space expansion.
They claim that this cosmoillogical constant is the dark energy of vacuum, which expands the universe at an accelerated rate, accelerating galaxies much faster than particle accelerators, which makes them fly in space at warp speeds faster than Jean Luke Piccard himself. And they only use empty space to propel themselves through expanding space, with free unlimited energy extracted from absolutely nothing. Made possible by the fact that Einstein made up a constant, which he should be very proud of, since he has made free energy available for the entire universe with his biggest blunder !
But if we look at the unit of the constant, it is 1/m^2, which is not a measure of energy (Joule) ! So Einstein clearly did not think it is energy of vacuum, and he couldnt because that would invalidate his Special relativity mass-energy equivalation.
And not only that, but it would invalidate his General relativity mass-energy space curvation.
Because even if the unit was Joule, and that constant was energy of vacuum, it does not follow how space-time expands from that energy. Since in Einstein's theory, space-time is curved by mass or energy. Which is what he calls gravity.
The dark energy of vacuum would therefore act as dark gravity, making the universe contract, not expand. So I'm not sure how this 'constant' helps the big bang universe expand, because, according to GR, it does the exact opposite.
The cosmoillogical constant unit is 1/m^2. It has nothing to do with energy, or energy density. E/V has unit of J/m^3, not 1/m^2.
This dark energy of vacuum is pure science fiction and pseudo-science. And it contradicts special relativity mass-energy equivalence. If there is any energy in a vacuum, then it must contain mass ! If it contains mass, then its not a vacuum.
And Einstein never said that the cosmoillogical constant is related to any kind of energy. Because that would contradict his special relativity, and also his general relativity that mass/energy curves space. Where exactly in his theory did Einstein ever say that energy expands space ? Show me.
And the evidence which you claim is for dark energy, is just a redshift which big bang pseudo-scientists starting with Hubble claim, with no evidence, that is caused by space expansion. There is no experimental evidence what so ever that a space can expand, and that it produces a redshift from expansion. These are just science fiction claims with no evidence what so ever. And are based on a circular argument: cosmological redshift is caused because space expands. And space expands because the cosmological redshift is caused by space expansion. So you assume that space expands to conclude that space expands.
This is a logical fallacy called circular argument. And it is completelly illogical, just like everything big-bangers say.
Or they claim as proof for space expansion a constant which Einstein made up to prevent his universe from contracting, which expands the space because Einstein made it up. And then retracted it. So the universe is contracting again. How does removing that constant make the universe expand, if it was contracting without it ?! There is no logic in this theory, it's a complete non-sense.
And then these big bang fanatics added it back. So the universe is contracting without the constant, then expanding without the constant, then expanding more when you add the constant, which is not even constant because it has never had a constant value and it is periodically adjusted. This is ridiculous ! A complete mess based on logical fallacies and contradictions, pure pseudo-science, there is absolutely nothing scientific in this standard cosmoillogical model. Hell, they dont even get the units right.
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