How the dual slit experiment proves that aether exists

After I showed that quantum physics are wrong, I will show that the main experiment which led to the development of qunatum physics in the first place, can be easily be explained with classical wave physics, and that it simply does not require the invention of alternate phyiscs based on contradictory particle-wave duality to explain it.

The particle does not behave like a wave at all, it simply creates a wave in the aether, and it is this aether wave which inteferres at the slits and creates the interferrence pattern, which affects the trajectory of the particle as it passes through the disturbed medium and is deflected by it. So good old classical wave physics explains the dual slit experiment with ease, and leaves no room for particle wave duality which doesnt rationally explain anything because its a contradiction of terms. The only rational explanation is that aether exists, and the dual slit experiment can be seen as direct evidence of its existence.

Aether is like a fluid and when a single particle is thrown it it generates waves in the aether, which interfere at the slits and deflect the particle on its wave pattern. So the particle is not a wave, and the wave is not a particle. It is the interaction between the particle and the interfering aether which determines the position of the particle on the interference pattern of the aether waves. See how simple it is ? And I didnt even contradict myself like these quantum bozos do.


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