Gravity does not cause any light bending, NASA scientist claims. But what does ?

''Once more, when you are looking at stars near the sun, you notice that the light is only bent when the starlight is inside the corona of the sun, but did not bend outside the corona where Einstein predicted. Einstein’s general theory of relativity predicts starlight should bend at least slightly near the sun outside the corona but this is not observed.'' Edward Dowdye

Dr. Dowdye points out that stars outside the corona of the sun in fact do not bend according to Einstein’s general relativity.

The reason why light bends in the sun's corona is obviously from refraction, similar to atmospheric refraction:

Now we can apply this to stars, like the sun, which have atmospheres, and even to galaxies, which are enveloped in spherical halos of plasma. There is no reason to believe that light bending is caused by the gravity or spacetime curvature, especially when there IS NO LIGHT BENDING OUTSIDE THE SUN'S CORONA, as the amazing DR. Edward Dowdye from NASA has showed.


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