How the tests of general relativity disprove general relativity.

It is often affirmed by mainstream scientists that general relativity is a highly succesful theory because it has been proven by numerous experiments, such as Eddington’s, Shapiro’s, or Pound and Rebka’s.

These are the three main tests of general relativity, and none of them has actually proved general relativity. In fact, all of them disprove general relativity if they are correctly analysed and interpreted.

1. Eddington's solar eclipse experiment.

In this experiment Eddington attempted to prove that star light is bent by the sun's mass as it curves the spacetime around it, a prediction of general relativity. But light bending around the sun is expected due to refraction from the sun's corona, and simply does not prove it is caused by a curvature of space time. In fact, there is no light bending outside of the sun's corona, which proves that Einstein's theory is wrong.

And this has also been proved by a former NASA scientist, Dr Edward Dowdie, who showed that light does not bend at all outside the solar corona, which refracts it, a fact that contradicts the theory of Einstein who illogically links all these effects of refraction to his space bending gravity. Eddington's experiment did not prove general relativity correct, as it only observed light bending in the sun's corona- and illogically attributed this to relativity instead of refraction.

2. Pound and Rebka gravitational redshift experiment.

In this experiment the Harvard scientists, and Nobel laureates, Pound and Rebka, attempted to prove that gravity changes the wavelength of light. In order to do this they used a Helium bag 'to minimise scattering', as the emitter of the gamma ray was placed in helium, and the detector was placed under the helium bag, in air.

Which in fact does not prove anything else except that Refraction, and by no means gravity, produces the shift in wavelength. Gravitation only produces a need to add helium in order to produce a redshift from refraction. Because in the absence of refraction there is no redshift from gravity.

It is ridiculous and also outrageous that these so called scientists received the Nobel Prize for that helium sham experiment, which can be debunked with relative ease as I will show, and that no scientist questioned its validity ever since (more precisely since 1960). Probably because no scientist knows or has not found out that refraction produces a redshift/blueshift:

'Astronomers know of three sources of redshift/blueshift: Doppler shifts; gravitational redshifts (due to light exiting a gravitational field); and cosmological expansion (where space itself stretches)' (wikipedia)

And the redshifts they know, with the exception of the Doppler one, are pure pseudo-science. Because they confused the refractional redshift with gravitational redshift, and the last from expansion collapses as general relativity collapses (since its prediction of gravitational redshift is false).. 
And this is very easy to prove with just two simple formulas, which clearly show that refraction causes a redshift/blueshift:
 f=v/lambda, and v=c/n
The frequency of light remains constant during refraction, but the speed of light varies according to the index of refraction, therefore the wavelength (lambda) also varies according to the speed of light:
-if the speed of light increases, then the wavelength will also increase and a Refractional Redshift will occur.
-if the speed of light decreases, then the wavelength will also decrease and a Refractional Blueshift will occur.

So the great Harvard scientists, awarded with the great Nobel Prize, confused an effect of refraction with one of gravity ! And I don't know if they did it out of ignorance, or with good knowledge, to collect the laurels, money and the Nobel Prize. It is still hard to believe that they could be so stupid and that they added helium 'to reduce scattering from air', but somehow left the detector in air, as shown in the picture with the experiment, instead of placing both in the same medium of helium to reduce both scattering and refraction. 
And the very addition of helium should have raised an eyebrow, since Einstein's theory of relativity has nothing to do with helium or other gases. And in fact the experiment should have been done in a vacuum, or in space, but the geniuses from Harvard were too busy drilling holes in the walls of the university and filling them with helium that this did not occur to them. 
Regardless, their gravitational experiment is actually a refractional one, and its result has nothing to do with gravity, or relativity, but only with refraction. And the fact that in the absence of refraction there is no redshift/blueshift caused by the gravitational potential shows that Einstein's theory is simply wrong and that it was falsified by the very experiment which allegedly confirmed it.

The implications of this are enormous, in physics and especially in astronomy, where general relativity is used heavily in the standard cosmological model. Which from now on should be called the standard cosmoillogical model.
It is now obvious that the measured redshift of stars has absolutely nothing to do with their gravitational potential, but with their gaseous atmosphere that refracts the light in space, which leads to the increase of speed and of the wavelength, which is a refractional redshift and not a gravitational one. And, since all galaxies are made of stars, that is why all galaxies appear redshifted.

3. Shapiro time delay experiment.

In this experiment Shapiro sent radio waves

towards massive objects like the planets and the sun, and calculated the return delay by using c as the speed of light in Einstein's equations. He concluded that the observed delay must be caused by gravitational time dilation, when in fact it was also caused by refraction-which he completelly ignored. 

His results are based on the same fundamental error which stems from the complete ignorance of basic refraction physics. He simply did not take into consideration the fact that radio waves slow down near massive objects like the sun, according to the index of refraction of their massive atmopsheres (v=c/n), thus increasing the time it takes the radio signal to pass through them. Hence the time delay is caused simply by refraction, not by gravitational time dillation.

So most if not all all of the experiments which are claimed to have proven GR can be simply explained by using basic refraction physics, as we have shown, as their Nobel awarded scientists have obviously confused the effects of refraction with those of gravitation.

In conclusion, mainstream scientists falsely and erroneously attribute to gravity effects of refraction, such as bending light and changing wavelength, as they foolishly try to prove Einsteins theory by using refraction. All that they proved is his prediction that:
'Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity.'


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