Cosmological redshift is explained by aether.

 Tesla said that 'Light is a sound wave in the aether'. This was also implied by Maxwell who calculated the speed of light as a sound wave in aether, using Newtons equation for sound waves. Just like sound waves loose amplitude in the medium, so do light waves. Classical wave physics perfectly explain the redshift, there is no need for insane space bending metaphyisics. Which reject the existence of a medium for light waves, on the grounds that Einstein made an illogical claim, based on his absurd explanation of the photoellectric effect, that they are also particles, or photons. Which have no amplitude what so ever, because their energy is expressed as a function of frequency only ! E=hf. Einstein, while copying Planks black body radiation, forgot that waves must have an amplitude, otherwise they are lines. Which makes his particle-wave a particle-line. Since you cant have a wave with no amplitude. And the energy of a wave is directly proportional to its amplitude squared, so you cant have energy without amplitude either. If the photon particle-wave has no amplitude, then it has no energy. So the equation E=hf, while it may be accurate to describe black body radiation, as Plank did, presumably because the amplitude remains constant in the case of light emmited by blackbodies, is wrong when attributed to EM waves in general, because it is not directly proportional with amplitude- which is missing from that particular wave equation.


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