'Gravitational time dillation' is caused by the earth magnetic field. General relativity is wrong (again)

Since I have disproved general relativity, and gravitational time dillation with it, people unable to comprehend or admit the simple fact that Einstein was wrong ask me 'but how do you explain that clocks on earth tick slower than clocks in space ? Only general relativity can explain that ! '.

Except it doesn't. Because just like space, time isn't a physical object and can't dillate, bend, expand, contract, etc. Just like there isnt anything in a space that can curve or expand, there is nothing in a time that can dillate.

 The slowing of the atomic clocks is simply caused by the earth's magnetic field which affects the clock. You see, in space the magnetic field is less strong than on earth, as the strength of the magnetic field decreases with distance- just like gravity. And the atomic clocks are based on cesium atoms which are metal and are affected by the magnetic field. In fact, the atomic clock itself contains a magnet which separates low energy cesium atoms from high energy ones. It is therefore very likely that the strength of the earth's magnetic field affects how the atomic clock operates.

But let's forget about atomic clocks for a moment, just imagine a regular mechanical watch. The watch's mechanism consists of many metal components such as wheels, springs, and so on. If you place a magnet near a watch, it will affect how the watch works because all the metals pieces will be magnetised and attracted to each other. So guess what will happen: the watch will not show the correct time anymore, but a lower time. Has the time dillated ? No, just the watch is malfunctioning or lagging because of the magnetic field.

The stronger the magnetic field, the slower it will operate and the more lag it will have. The same thing happens with atomic clocks, which have flowing metal atoms inside. (And also a magnet, which separates the flow of atoms by their low or high energy state.)
Because on earth the magnetic field is stronger than in space, it will affect the flow of the cesium atoms and make the clock run slower, and viceversa. So no, it's not curved spacetime dillation that causes this. 

And watch makers know of this problem that most watches have, see here for example:
https://www.seikowatches.com/us-en/cust ... ntenance-5

I don't know if Seiko makes atomic watches, but you get the point.


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