If time flows slower in a gravitational field, why are all objects falling at a faster rate ? Gravitational time dillation debunked.

 According to general relativity, time flows slower inside a gravitational field, and flows faster as we move outside it. A clock on the surface of the earth will tick slower than a clock situated on a sky plane, or in a space sattelite. So it will show less time has passed than the clock up high in the sky, or in space, because the needle of the clock on earth will move slower from one second to another than the one in the sky, making every second longer, or dillated. 

But why don't objects fall slower into a gravitational field then ? Speed is distance over time, so if time passes slower and slower as we move inside a gravitational field, then it would obviously take more and more time to travel the same distance. 

 Which is the exact opposite of what is actually happening. The falling speed increases as we fall in the gravitational field, because the gravitational pull and acceleration increases with the invert square law (the pulling force gets stronger into, and weaker out of the gravitational field). This absolutelly disproves the relativistic notion of gravitational time dilation. Which in the case of light is caused by refraction, because the speed of light decreases as it refracts in the atmosphere which is denser and denser as it gets closer to earth, or any other massive object which has an atmosphere.

 This again shows that general relativity is a complete pseudo-scientific theory which confuses refraction with gravitation, and which makes absolutely no sense otherwise, as it can be easily debunked with highschool level physics- which Einstein apparently skipped.

''Gravitational acceleration is inversely proportional to the square of the separation distance. The inverse nature of the law means that if the distance is increased, then the gravitational acceleration will be decreased.''


How does acceleration and therefore speed increase in a gravitational field, if you assert that time dillates inside it ? Answer this Einstein ! Seriously there's a reason why this guy wasnt admitted to highschool. He was just plain stupid !

And so are all these 'scientits' who reveer him as a genius and regurgitate all his inept sci-fi theories after they 'experimentally prove's them with refraction.

If time flows slower in a gravitational field, then why do falling objects move faster and faster in it ?  Speed is distance over time, so dillating the time will clearly decrease the speed, not increase it.


If the unit of time aka second becomes longer and longer, then shouldn't the unit of speed which is meter/second become lower and lower ?

So even if it has more speed in this dillated time measuring unit, the net speed will actually be the same as in no dillated time frame of reference. Just like 5 seconds on earth will equal 5.1 seconds in space, 105 m/s on earth will equal 100m/s in space. 


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