Photonzilla: the quantum particle that dwarfs Godzilla

Directed by Albert Einstein (Spielberg lost the plot)

According to Einstein’s particle-wave duality,  

A radio photon can be miles long. Isn't that a bit of a stretch for a 'quantum particle' ?​

How is a mile long radio photon a quantum particle, given that quantum physics describe how the universe works at incredibly small scales ? I mean this radio particle is way way bigger than an anaconda, or make that 100 anacondas. Its a real monster, and should star in Godzilla. As Photonzilla. Not in science.

This is what Einstein's particle-wave duality leads to. To an enormity of astronomical proportions. But he got the Nobel prize for this enormity, so he must be right. Cause we all know that when you win something you are right. Even when you contradict yourself like a complete idiot. And you really cant argue with that golden statue. That is absolute proof that Photonzilla exists, and that Einstein's contradiction I mean theory of light is correct.

wikipedia said:
Quantum mechanics is a fundamental theory in physics that describes the behavior of nature at and below the scale of atoms.
So anything that is above the scale of atoms, is not quantum physics. So Einsteins photonzilla is in contradiction with the very definition of quantum mechanics, which only applies at atomic and sub atomic scales. It does not apply at gargantuan astronomical scales.

If you dont see the contradiction, then I dont know what to tell ya. Other than Einstein's prediction has turned to be true. Human stupidity really is infinite, as Einstein himself has proved it. And as his fanboys continue to prove it. They just keep proving Einstein right.

The particle wave duality is an oximoron, and Einstein was a moron. He simply mashed them together as if they are the same thing.
A wave and a particle are completelly different things and cannot be confused or equated with each other. They are not synonims. Formal logic does not allow to equate notions which have different meanings or describe completelly different things. A wave is defined as 'a disturbance which transfers energy from point to point in a medium'. It is not defined as a particle which tranfers energy from point to point in nothing. Any wave requires a medium by definition. That medium is made of particles which wave. The wave is generated by the disturbance of particles in the medium, and it cannot be a particle. A wave is what particles do when they are disturbed, not what particles are.


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