Why is the Quantum Field Theory still accepted by scientists after it produced 'the worst prediction in the history of physics' aka the Vacuum Catastrophe? It is clearly a FALSIFIED theory, and anyone who still uses it is catastrophically stupid


Why is the Quantum Field Theory still accepted by scientists after it produced 'the worst prediction in the history of physics' aka the Vacuum Catastrophe? It is clearly a FALSIFIED theory, and anyone who still uses it is catastrophically stupid!

Besides this obvious answer, which no one can deny, it is because they need this Quantum Fart Theory to produce their vaccum fart energy which makes space expand at an accelerated rate in their big bang cosmoillogical model. Which completelly contradicts special relativity and the mass-energy equivalence which states that energy is equivalent to MASS, not with NO MASS, or a vacuum. The equation E=mc^2 clearly shows that a vacuum has no intrinsic energy because it has no mass. And even if vacuum or empty space had mass or energy (by reduction to absurdum), in general relativity mass and energy CURVES space, it does not expand it. So this absurd vacuum energy would just create more gravity aka curved space and make the universe contract at a faster rate.

But they completelly ignore special relativity because it does not fit their big bang expanding universe, and interpret general relativity in an absurd way by claiming the cosmoillogical constant is the energy of vaccum, despite the units dont not even match. 1/m^2 is not Joule/m^3. And then they invent a new theory to explain where this vacuum energy comes from, the Quantum Fart Theory which produces quantum flatulations in a quantum vacuum. And the worst prediction in the history of physics, with a 10^120 order of magnitude error. Which is known as the Vacuum Catastrophe. Even they admit this a ‘problem’. They call it the cosmological constant problem. Which is not a problem, its a clear falsification of their bullshit theories. The only problem is that they are so catastrophically stupid they dont realize it. Instead they try to fix the problem, the whole scientific community is working on this, its a real brainfart storming going on in their big bang potato heads, who base their entire cosmoillogical model on a cosmoillogical constant which Einstein foolishly made up and even he admitted it was the stupidest thing he has ever done.

Because it was just a stupid metric constant he made up to prevent his general relative universe from collapsing from all that curved space he calls gravity. Basically Einstein doctored the equation so that it could be compatible with a static universe, by imagining a constant which doesnt exist, to counter a space curving which also doesnt exist. Because space does not curve, and gravity is not a space that curves ! His inept theory of gravity was falsified the very moment it made the prediction that the universe was contracting. But he simply did not want to admit this, so he doctored it by inventing cosmoillogical constants from his crackpipe.


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