Photons do not exist. Waves are not particles.

In special relativity, Einstein equates a light wave with a particle, which he calls a photon, and calculates the momentum of a photon p by equivalating the energy of the wave with the energy of the photon particle.

The formula p=h/lambda comes by equivalating the wave energy E=hc/lambda with the particle energy E=pc. But, since p=mc, we get E=pc=mc^2 which is the energy formula for objects with rest mass. Therefore, the two energy equations cannot be equivalated, because the first is for waves, which do not have the property of mass, and the second is for particles with rest mass ! So the problem is that the wave-particle duality equates the energy of a wave, which is indeed massless, with that of a single particle, which is not a massless wave, and derrives all kind of illogical equations from this particle-wave non-sense. Which is an illogical equivocation, a clear logical fallacy made by Einstein, who conflates particles with waves, a foolish mistake which can only lead to wrong derrivations.

But in reality, a wave is not a particle, it is 'a disturbance which tranfers energy from particle to particle in a medium'. It is illogical to claim that a disturbance in a medium made of particles is a particle !

You cant logically explain a wave without a medium. Because a wave is defined as ‘a disturbance which tranfers energy from point to point in a medium’. If light is a wave, then it must by definition have a medium of propagation in which the energy is tranferred from point to point. And if this medium does not exist and light is a projectile like particle, then it cant be a wave. And scientists will say, its not in the classical sense, but then in what sense ?? The wave is only defined in the classical sense, there is no other definition for waves ! So claiming that light is a wave, in some other sense that a wave is defined, makes absolutely no sense. And this is why even scientists say, that 'no one understands quantum mechanics' (Feynman), or that 'quantum mechanics makes absolutely no sense' (Penrose).


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