Photelectric effect explained by classical physics

The photo-electric effect is claimed to be a proof for quantum physics particle-wave duality, because when they shine a high intensity visible light wave on a negativelly charged metalic object, the free electrons are not ejected or dont jump away from it, but when they increase the frequency of light, to the UV, then they are ejected. Which, they argue, cannot be explained by classical physics.  

Well guess what ! When you shoot a high intensity sound wave on a glass, nothing happens. When you shoot an inaudible, ultra high frequency sound on the same glass, it shatters ! Because the ultrasound wave resonates with the glass atoms, causing them to vibrate at the same frequency and break their bonds. So by analogy a similiar thing happens when you shine the UV light on atoms, only that if makes the electrons vibrate not the atoms. So they break free from the atoms. Whereas when they shine a low frequency wave, the electrons dont vibrate, and remain still in their place.  

 So the whole argument for quantum particle-wave duality is that classical physics cant explain why electrons are ejected by increasing the frequency, and not by increasing the amplitude or intensity of the light wave !

Because in classical physics the energy of any wave also depends on frequency, not just on amplitude. Thats why only an ultrasound which has a very high frequency can break glass, or even stones. Whereas a high amplitude, low frequency sound wave doesnt do anything to them. Yet no one argues that sounds waves have a particle wave duality because of this. This moronic argument in the case of light is based on the fact that these quantum morons reject the medium of light, aether. Which is made of particles, juts like the medium of sound. So because they dont think aether particles exists, they conclude that the light wave itself is a particle.
Their interpretation of the photoelectric effect is based on a misrepresentation of classical physics, as they dont take the aether into account at all, which is the medium of light propagation in classical physics. They do the same thing with the dual slit experiment, where they claim that it cant be explained by classical physics, but they never ever take into account the aether when viewing it from a classical perspective. They just ignore the medium of light, and then claim that classical phyiscs cant explain it based on their ignorance of the aether which is the medium of propagation of light for light waves in classical physics ! You cant expect anything from classical physics if you dont know anything about classical physics


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