Clocks are ticking slower on the moon. This disproves general relativity

Einstein gravitational time dilation is disproved by the fact that a pendulum or a mechanical watch ticks slower on the moon than on earth, contrary to what einstein predicts that clocks should tick faster in a weaker gravitational field !

 If you watch a video of astronauts on the moon, you will see that they are moving in slow motion. Just like a pendulum will be swinging in slow motion. This is basically slowed time. And in the absence of gravity, the pendulum would simply stay still. There would be no force to move it and register time. This is equivalent to a freeze in time. So gravity is the force which generates the flow of time. It is gravity which causes the earth to orbit around the sun and around its axis as well. We would not be talking about days, hours, or seconds, if the earth wasn’t spinning from gravity. Actually we would not be talking at all, because we would be floating in space, where there is no air.


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