
Einstein si Hubble- doi pipari celebri care au incurcat lucrurile

  Big bang-ul ar trebui sa dispara din schema, pentru ca universul e static si redshiftul cosmologic nu e produs de aberatiile lui Einstein sau Hubble, care nu stiu ce fumau dar sigur nu le facea bine la creier. De fapt Einstein nici n-a spus vreodata ca universul se extinde, ba din contra, a spus ca ar trebui sa se contracte conform teoriei lui gravitationale. Dar pt ca atunci credea ca e static a scos repede o constanta cosmoilogica din burta ca sa contracareze gravitatia. Foarte stiintific, si logic.  Apoi, cand credea ca se extinde, a scos-o si deodata universul a inceput sa se extinda, in loc sa se contracte cum facea initial. Chiar are sens ! Apoi altii au bagat-o la loc, si au interpretat-o ca fiind energia vidului. Desi unitatea ei era 1/m^2, nu Joule sau Joule/m^3. Curat stiintific si logic. Cum e ca si vidul sa aiba energie si masa. Ca doar de aia ii zice vid, ca are masa. Si e plin de energie, cum rezulta din ecuatia E=mc^2. Masa 0, energie 198765. Aberatia cum ca spatiul s-

Muon contradiction

  wikipedia wrote: As with other leptons, the muon is not thought to be composed of any simpler particles. wikipedia wrote: Muon decay almost always produces at least three particles, which must include an electron of the same charge as the muon and two types of neutrinos. How is the muon not composed of any simpler particles, if on the same page they say it decays into three other particles ?

Special relativity is an artefact of human stupidity. Time dilation is a brain flatulation.

Time dilation can be inferred from the observed constancy of the speed of light in all reference frames dictated by the second postulate of special relativity. This constancy of the speed of light means that, counter to intuition, the speeds of material objects and light are not additive. It is not possible to make the speed of light appear greater by moving towards or away from the light source. The speeds of material objects and sounds waves are not additive either. It is not possible to make the speed of sound appear greater by moving towards and away the sound source. The frequency yes, but not the speed. So what are these relative scientists arguing here ? That because the speed of light does not increase with the speed of the source, Einstein's theory is right ? They are clearly confused and do not understand how waves propagate in a medium. The reason why they are not additive is because t he speed of the sound wave only depends

The fundamental error of the Michelson-Morley experiment. Special relativity is wrong.

''The  Michelson–Morley experiment  was an attempt to measure the motion of the  Earth  relative to the  luminiferous aether , [ A 1 ]  a supposed medium permeating space that was thought to be the carrier of  light waves . The experiment was performed between April and July 1887 by American physicists  Albert A. Michelson  and  Edward W. Morley  at what is now  Case Western Reserve University  in  Cleveland , Ohio, and published in November of the same year. [ 1 ] Michelson and Morley's  interferometric  setup, mounted on a stone slab that floats in an annular trough of  mercury The experiment compared the  speed of light  in perpendicular directions in an attempt to detect the relative motion of matter, including their laboratory, through the luminiferous aether, or "aether wind" as it was sometimes called. The result was negative, in that Michelson and Morley found no significant difference between the speed of light in the direction of movement through the pre

Photons do not exist. Waves are not particles.

In special relativity, Einstein equates a light wave with a particle, which he calls a photon, and calculates the momentum of a photon p by equivalating the energy of the wave with the energy of the photon particle. The formula p=h/lambda comes by equivalating the wave energy E=hc/lambda with the particle energy E=pc. But, since p=mc, we get E=pc=mc^2 which is the energy formula for objects with rest mass. Therefore, the two energy equations cannot be equivalated, because the first is for waves, which do not have the property of mass, and the second is for particles with rest mass ! So the problem is that the wave-particle duality equates the energy of a wave, which is indeed massless, with that of a single particle, which is not a massless wave, and derrives all kind of illogical equations from this particle-wave non-sense. Which is an illogical equivocation, a clear logical fallacy made by Einstein, who conflates particles with waves, a foolish mistake which can only lead to wrong de

NASA is astronomically stupid

  In the article ‘Gammaray bursts: blackhole birth announcements’, NASA says: 'In some cases, matter swirling into the black hole produces two powerful jets that rush outward at almost the speed of light that cause a gamma-ray burst. A Gamma-Ray Burst a Day Sends Waves of Light Our Way!' What happened to 'nothing can escape a blackhole, not even light' ? NASA’s level of stupidity is truly astronomical.

Dilatarea temporala gravitationala e o ineptie care nu poate exista nici macar in teorie

In teoria relativitatii generale Einstein sustine ca lumina ar fi incetinita atunci cand intra intr-un 'put gravitational' (gravitational well), pentru ca timpul s-ar dilata pe masura ce lumina inainteaza in preputul gravitational. Asta inseamna ca, in conformitate cu teoria sa, orice obiect care intra intr-un put gravitational ar trebui sa isi micsoreze viteza pe masura ce inainteaza (sau cade) in acesta. Adica ar trebui sa DECELEREZE, nu sa accelereze. Asta inseamna ca acceleratia gravitationala nu ar trebui sa existe, pentru ca teoria gravitationala a marelui Einstein, care a ramas repetent in liceu de genial ce era, implica o deceleratie gravitationala cauzata de incetinirea timpului in preputul gravitational. Si, atentie, in teoria sa gravitatia nu reprezinta o forta, ci tocmai aceasta dilatare a timpului, cuplata cu o curbare a spatiului, care ultima nu se aplica decat la viteze apropiate de cea a luminii. Deci pentru viteze mici spatiul nu se curbeaza, doar cand o bagi i