
How atmospheric refraction causes light to bend near massive objects. Not space bending lol

  It is the atmospheric refraction which causes the light to bend. Its very simple: Atmospheric refraction - Wikipedia Atmospheric refraction is the deviation of light or other electromagnetic wave from a straight line as it passes through the atmosphere due to the variation in air density as a function of height . [ 1 ] This refraction is due to the velocity of light through air decreasing (the refractive index increases) with increased density. Atmospheric refraction near the ground produces mirages . Such refraction can also raise or lower , or stretch or shorten, the images of distant objects without involving mirages. Turbulent air can make distant objects appear to twinkle or shimmer . The term also applies to the refraction of sound . Atmospheric refraction is considered in measuring the position of both celestial and terrestrial objects. Diagram showing displacement of the Sun 's image at sunrise and sunset Comparison of inferior and superior mirages due to differing air re...

Michelson Morley experiment disproved Aether Drag and proved Aether is Universally Still

 Michelson Morley experiment was specifically designed in the context of an aether drag theory. The only reason they expected the speed of light to change in different directions is because they were basing the experiment on Fresnel’s aether drag experiment which they allegedly confirmed, and they believed that this drag would induce an ‘aether wind’ as the earth moves in the aether, which would change the speed of light in different directions. Without this aether drag non-sense, no aether wind should be expected in an universally still aether, and no change in the speed of light should be detected. So the null result simply showed that this aether drag theory is false, and that there is no aether wind, because the aether is UNIVERSALLY STILL, just like Maxwell said it was. ‘Maxwell's equations required that all electromagnetic waves in vacuum propagate at a fixed speed, c . As this can only occur in one reference frame in Newtonian physics (see Galilean relativity ), the aether...

Clocks are ticking slower on the moon. This disproves general relativity

Einstein gravitational time dilation is disproved by the fact that a pendulum or a mechanical watch ticks slower on the moon than on earth, contrary to what einstein predicts that clocks should tick faster in a weaker gravitational field !   If you watch a video of astronauts on the moon, you will see that they are moving in slow motion. Just like a pendulum will be swinging in slow motion. This is basically slowed time. And in the absence of gravity, the pendulum would simply stay still. There would be no force to move it and register time. This is equivalent to a freeze in time. So gravity is the force which generates the flow of time. It is gravity which causes the earth to orbit around the sun and around its axis as well. We would not be talking about days, hours, or seconds, if the earth wasn’t spinning from gravity. Actually we would not be talking at all, because we would be floating in space, where there is no air.

  Photoelectric effect is caused by resonance. Light is a wave, not a particle

  Photoelectric effect is caused by resonance. Light is a wave, not a particle. Edit Delete post Report this post Quote Post   by  mariuslvasile   As we all know Einstein 'explained' the photoelectric effect by treating light as a particle, and contradicting himself because he agrees light is also a wave. His explanation is not scientific because it is not coherent or self-consistent. My explanation is that it is Resonance which causes this effect. In the same way that a sound wave of a certain frequency can break glass, due to resonance, a light wave of a certain frequency can break an electron from its orbit. So in order to confirm this theory I asked chatgpt what is the orbiting frequency of a ground state electron in an aluminium atom: ChatGPT wrote: The orbital frequency of a ground-state (1s) electron in an aluminium atom, using the Bohr model, is approximately: 5.93×10^15Hz. This frequency is in the ultraviolet (UV) region of the electromagnetic spectrum. Surp...

Michelson Morley prostii secolului

Experimentul Michelson Morley, care ar fi infirmat existenta eterului, a fost gresit conceput si interpretat, pentru ca a avut la baza o premiza falsa, si anume ca viteza luminii s-ar modifica in functie de miscarea pamantului in eter.   Ceea ce e fals, pentru ca viteza de propagare a undei nu depinde de miscarea sursei, ci doar de mediul in care se propaga. Asa cum viteza sunetului nu se schimba atunci cand sunetul e emis de o sursa in miscare, ci doar frecventa/lungimea de unda conform efectului Doppler, nici viteza luminii nu se schimba atunci cand e emisa de o sursa in miscare. De aceea ea va ramane constanta indiferent ca o masori in sensul directiei de miscare a sursei, in sens invers, sau perpendicular cu aceasta. Prin urmare asteptarile fizicienilor lui peste erau complet nefondate si eronate, ceea ce a dus la o concluzie la fel de eronata. Si toate experimentele de acest tip sunt fundamental gresite, inclusiv cel mentionat de tine, pentru ca se bazeaza in totalitate p...

Efectul fotoelectric poate fi explicat de fizica clasica (fara fotoni)

  Efectul foto-electric se pretinde a fi o dovadă suprema a dualității particula-undă din mecanica cuantică, deoarece atunci când se aplica o undă de lumină vizibilă de mare intensitate pe un obiect metalic, electronii din compozitia atomilor de metal nu sunt ejectați sau nu sar de pe acesta, dar atunci când se aplica o lumina de frecventa mare, precum UltraViolete, atunci electronii sunt ejectați. Ceea ce, susțin oamenii de pseudo-stiinta cuantica, nu poate fi explicat de fizica clasică.  Ei bine, ghici ce! Când aplicam o undă sonoră de mare intensitate dar de frecventa joasa pe un pahar, nu se întâmplă nimic. Dar când se aplica un sunet de frecvență înaltă pe acelasi pahar, acesta se va sparge ! Lel cum si pietrele de la rinichi nu se sparg decat cu ultrasunete, adica sunete de frecventa ultra inalta. Deci degeaba tragi cu tunul de bas in ele, ca nu merge.  Pentru că doar ultrasunetele rezonează cu atomii de calciu sau din ce sunt facute pietrele alea, făcându-i să vibr...

De ce energia vidului nu poate provoca o expansiune

  Din doua motive: 1. Pentru ca nu exista. Daca ar exista, ne-am alimenta cu energie electrica direct din spatiu. Sau poate de aia a trimis Musk o Tesla in spatiu, sa vada daca se incarca. Momentan este la 0 la suta. Si asta pentru ca energia vidului este tot 0 la suta. Nu ma credeti ? Intrebati-l pe Einstein. Avand in vedere ca energia este echivalenta cu masa, E=mc^2, si masa vidului e zero, rezulta ca energia vidului e zero. Daca totusi admitem ca exista energie intr-un spatiu vid, alta in afara de cea electro-magnetica (Musk nu e prost, stie el ceva), care evident nu e emisa de vid, ci in vid (sau in eter), atunci aceea nu este energia vidului, ci a covidului. Care este atat de contagios ca a contaminat intreg universul. Pana si Darth Vader l-a luat, de aia poarta masca si respira greu. 2. Pentru ca, chiar si daca prin absurd ar exista, masa si energia produc campuri gravitationale, nu anti-gravitationale. Deci masa sau energia vidului ar face ca universul sa se contracte, si n...