
NASA is astronomically stupid

  In the article ‘Gammaray bursts: blackhole birth announcements’, NASA says: 'In some cases, matter swirling into the black hole produces two powerful jets that rush outward at almost the speed of light that cause a gamma-ray burst. A Gamma-Ray Burst a Day Sends Waves of Light Our Way!' What happened to 'nothing can escape a blackhole, not even light' ? NASA’s level of stupidity is truly astronomical.

Dilatarea temporala gravitationala e o ineptie care nu poate exista nici macar in teorie

In teoria relativitatii generale Einstein sustine ca lumina ar fi incetinita atunci cand intra intr-un 'put gravitational' (gravitational well), pentru ca timpul s-ar dilata pe masura ce lumina inainteaza in preputul gravitational. Asta inseamna ca, in conformitate cu teoria sa, orice obiect care intra intr-un put gravitational ar trebui sa isi micsoreze viteza pe masura ce inainteaza (sau cade) in acesta. Adica ar trebui sa DECELEREZE, nu sa accelereze. Asta inseamna ca acceleratia gravitationala nu ar trebui sa existe, pentru ca teoria gravitationala a marelui Einstein, care a ramas repetent in liceu de genial ce era, implica o deceleratie gravitationala cauzata de incetinirea timpului in preputul gravitational. Si, atentie, in teoria sa gravitatia nu reprezinta o forta, ci tocmai aceasta dilatare a timpului, cuplata cu o curbare a spatiului, care ultima nu se aplica decat la viteze apropiate de cea a luminii. Deci pentru viteze mici spatiul nu se curbeaza, doar cand o bagi i

Teoria relativitatii generale e absolut tampita. Prostia umana e infinita.

  Un roman cu nume omonim a demonstrat stiintific ca testele clasice care ar fi confirmat teoria relativitatii generale a lui Einstein au fost absolut eronat interpretate de catre fizicieni relativi , care in mod normal ar fi trebuit sa ramana corijenti la fizica. Motivul erorii este ca acestia nu au luat in considerare, sau au ignorat complet refractia undelor electromagnetice in mediile prezente in acele experimente, cum ar heliul si aerul in cazul experimentului gravitational condus de Pound-Rebka, respectiv heliul si hidrogenul in cazul lui Shapiro (Eddington le-a luat considerare, dar le-a minimalizat ca sa-i dea dreptate lui Einstein). Din acest motiv ei au folosit un calcul absolut gresit in care lumina circula cu viteza c indiferent de mediu, in loc de v=c/n, si  au confundat toate efectele reale ale refractiei, precum  indoirea si incetinirea luminii/undelor radio, sau schimbarea lungimii de unda, cu unele imaginare ale gravitatiei, care sunt prezise de teoria lui Einstein, da

Proving Einstein wrong with highschool physics. General relativity debunked with refraction.

  ‘‘ The Shapiro time delay effect, or gravitational time delay effect, is one of the four classic Solar System  tests of general relativity .  Radar  signals passing near a massive object take slightly longer to travel to a target and longer to return than they would if the mass of the object were not present. The time delay is caused by  time dilation , which increases the time it takes light to travel a given distance from the perspective of an outside observer.[...] 'Throughout this article discussing the time delay, Shapiro uses c as the speed of light and calculates the time delay of the passage of light waves or rays over finite coordinate distance according to a  Schwarzschild solution  to the  Einstein field equations .’ - Wikipedia And, just like Einstein, he completely ignores refraction. Which makes his whole calculation wrong, because he does not understand basic physics, which require to take into consideration the index of refraction of the medium, which slows the

How can you have a PHD in physics and be this stupid ?

 Answer to Special Relativity: Since clocks traveling at high speeds run more slowly, do clocks at the equator run more slowly than those near the north pole? Has this been measured? by Mark Eichenlaub Clocks at sea level run that same speed no matter their latitude, as a simple thought experiment can show. Imagine Alice is at the north pole and Bob is at the equator. Alice has a laser that shoots light to Bob. So mister PHD in physics answers the question by a 'simple thought experiment' which involves shooting a laser pointer from the North Pole to the equator. Simple, right ?  Sure, if we imagine that the earth is FLAT ! Because in the real world if you try to do that with a laser pointer

Are Atomic clocks slowed down by Earth's magnetic field ?

  Are Atomic clocks slowed by Earth’s magnetic field ? You bet your compass ! One of the main arguments made by Einstein fanboys in defense of general relativity is that, besides the many experiments which have confirmed it, which I have debunked together with Dr Edward Dowdye from NASA, general relativity is also confirmed by the fact that clocks tick slower in a strong gravitational field than in weaker one, which is a prediction of GR named gravitational time dillation. And give as an example atomic clocks in GPS sattelites which tick faster than those on earth, because the gravitational field is weaker in space. But you know what else is weaker in space ? The Earth’s magnetic field. I know, it’s incredible, but Earth actually has one. Because the Earth is a giant magnet. And the atomic clock has cesium metal atoms in  it, and also a magnet inside to separate them. That is, it’s mechanism is based on MAGNETISM. So instead of gravitational field with gravitational time dillation, I p

Casimir effect explained

by Vasile effect   In this experiment two metal plates conductors are placed very close to each other in vacuum, until they attract. Quantum fart theory explains this by quantum flatulations which appear in a quantum vacuum and push the plates with their fart pressure. This is the ultimate proof that vascuum energy exists, they claim ! But wait, didnt they also claim that vacuum energy is expanding space and makes galaxies move apart ? Nevermind, this are just details, who cares if it does the exact opposite here ! But why do the plates have to be metal conductors ? If quantum fart theory was correct, then the plates would be pushed by quantum flatulations even if they were made from plastic. My explanation is that the earth’s magnetic field is causing this effect, by inducing a small current in the plates when they are moved. Thus they are magnetised and the inner parts of the plates have opposite charges, making them attract. Occam’s razor approves this, and erases quantum fart theor