Dark Energy of Vacuum: from HERO to ZERO

The big bang theory is entirely based on the notion that space expands, because there is a dark energy in empty space or vacuum, which causes space to expand at an accelerated rate.

For decades scientists have been looking for this mysterious dark energy of vacuum, and, just like in the case of dark matter, none was able to find it. But why ?

The answer is: because the dark energy of vacuum is ZERO, and they are literally looking for nothing in nothing.

We know that E=mc^2 (thanks Einstein, I mean Poincare), and we also know that vacuum, being massless, has no mass. Therefore, after crunching the numbers into a quantum supercomputer which doesnt work (thanks Feynman), the dark energy of vacuum is:

 E = 0*c^2= 0.

Now we can imagine a very dark vacuum in which hides a super dark ZERO, but this super dark zero is no super HERO.

Certainly not the dark energetic super hero that pushes all galaxies away at speeds in excess of the speed of light. (no, this is not a script from a bad sci-fi movie, it's mainstream 'science')

So according to Einsteins most famous equation, the zero point energy of vacuum is exactly zero. And the space expansion from it is also zero. So there's no hero to save the expanding universe theory.

But, for some reason, big bang pseudo scientists dont use the equation E=mc^2 for dark energy, instead they use the Cosmological constant- which has absolutely nothing to do with energy, since its unit is not Joule but 1/m^2 ! And which is not really constant, since its value changes and is in fact set periodically like a broken clock in order to comply with new and new observations and interpretations, which completely distort not only space and time, but also logic and neurons. Cause a Joule is not a 1/m^2 unless you have a distorted brain or something.

This truly is dark science. It’s like an obscure religious cult, who interpret the symbols written by their Einstein prophet in way that not even Einstein himself interpreted them. That is, Einstein never ever said that the cosmological constant had anything to do with any energy, it was simply a number he invented and added to his field equations to counter balance gravity/curved space-time and keep the universe static. And that equation already contained stress energy tensor Tμν which describes the energy density at that point in spacetime, and which when is set to zero describes the energy density of vacuum. So that means the energy density of vacuum is ZERO according to his general relativity equation. And it is also ZERO according to his special relativity equation E=mc^2. Because vacuum has no mass, so E=0. So these big bang scientists are complete morons who dont understand anything that Einstein said ! No wonder cosmology is in a crisys.

So the cosmological constant is not a constant and it does not measure energy. It is an arbitrary variable which depends on the will of the prophet and which is set by it, serving no other purpose other than making Einsteins general relativity equations not fall apart when confronted with the observations. And which  Einstein himself called his 'biggest blunder' and removed from his general relativity because he was ashamed of it.

But these big bang pseudo scientists have no shame ! They will literally sell their mother just to earn another paycheck from studying this completely inept and falsified big bang theory.

The cosmoillogical constant has nothing to do with vacuum energy. Because the reason why Einstein invented it had nothing to do with space expansion. It had to do with universe contraction, from gravity, which was what general relativity innitially predicted.

So Einstein made up this constant to prevent the universe from contracting and so that his equations are in line with a static universe, but he never stated that it was related to the energy of vacuum, which is clearly shown by the unit of the cosmoillogical constant which is not a Joule, but 1/m^2 which has nothing to do with energy. And it would have not made any sense too, since his special relativity theory demonstrated that energy is equivalent to mass, not to a lack of mass which is a vacuum.  

 Then Einstein removed it and called it his 'biggest blunder', but because their big bang maths didnt add up without it, the big bang pseudo-scientists desperately trying to keep their theory alive ressurected it and inserted it back and called it dark/ vacuum energy. 

Which lead to the Vacuum Catastrophe, the worst prediction in the history of science, made by quantum field theory.

So when they tried to calculate the energy of vacuum, using QFT, they got a result 120 orders of magnitude larger than the agreed cosmoillogical constant or vacuum energy as they set it by hand to fit the redshift observations and interpretations - altough its more of an infinite error because from E=mc^2 we see that the dark energy of vacuum can only be 0, and the big bang theory can only be wrong.

The prediction of QFT for vacuum energy should be compared with that from Einstein's special relativity, which is 0 for vacuum energy. And then the discrepancy is even larger than 10^120, its basically infinite. And so is human stupidity, as predicted by Einstein:


Two things are infinite: the universe and human stupidity; and I'm not sure about the universe.- Albert Einstein


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