Why GPS does NOT prove General Relativity
It is claimed by most mainstream scientists that GPS proves general relativity is correct because the signal gets blueshifted as it goes from space into the earth's gravitational well, which they assert to be a gravitational blueshift of the radio wave- just as Einstein predicted. But as I have already proved in my first article, Einstein's prediction of gravitational shift has been proven wrong by the very experiment which confirmed it, since the experiment was doctored with helium which caused a refraction of the gamma ray as it passed from the helium bag into air and resulted in a refractional shift, which Pound and Rebka illogically concluded to be a gravitational shift. So gravitational shift simply does not exist because it was confused with refractional redshift, and in the absence of helium-air refraction the gravitational shift could not be detected. Hence scientists persist in this confusion and claim that the GPS radio signal is blueshifted by gravity, when ...