A test for Aether using Doppler effect
The Doppler effect for sound is calculated using a set of equations, which differ for moving source and for moving observer. This is because of the preferred frame of reference which is given by the rest frame of the medium in which sound travels. Since the speed of the sound wave is relative to its medium or rest frame, the equation for moving source and stationary observer is not the same as the one for moving observer and stationary source. So the Doppler shift will be different in each case, and the shifted frequencies will NOT be the same. Moving source: f ’ = f (v/v+vs) Moving observer: f ’= f (v+vo/v) In the case of light, there is no such preferred frame of reference given by the medium, because Einstein removed the medium for light waves, which somehow became particles over night, and the equation is basically the same for moving source and moving observer. So the Doppler shift is the same for both cases, i.e. the frequencies will be shifted exactly the sa...