
Showing posts from May, 2024

How the Vasile effect has disproved gravitational redshift and general relativity

Long story short: The Pound Rebka gravitational redshift  experiment has been completely disproved by the Vasile effect, the effect of wavelength increasing or decreasing from refraction, as it relied on a helium bag in order to produce the shift in wavelength of the gammaray, which caused it to refract into air -where the detector and metal target were placed, thus causing a change in its speed and wavelength.  This effect has been mathematically proved and immediatelly results from the equations f=v/lambda and v=c/n, where n is the index of refraction of the medium. Because the frequency f remains constant during refraction, an increase in the speed v of the gammaray will automatically cause its wavelength lambda to increase, which is a refractional redshift.  Given that this phenomenon was not known at the time, it was completelly ignored by the Harvard scientists Pound and Rebka, who did not take into consideration the effects of refraction on the gammaray, and confused the refract