
Showing posts from June, 2024

Casimir effect explained

by Vasile effect   In this experiment two metal plates conductors are placed very close to each other in vacuum, until they attract. Quantum fart theory explains this by quantum flatulations which appear in a quantum vacuum and push the plates with their fart pressure. This is the ultimate proof that vascuum energy exists, they claim ! But wait, didnt they also claim that vacuum energy is expanding space and makes galaxies move apart ? Nevermind, this are just details, who cares if it does the exact opposite here ! But why do the plates have to be metal conductors ? If quantum fart theory was correct, then the plates would be pushed by quantum flatulations even if they were made from plastic. My explanation is that the earth’s magnetic field is causing this effect, by inducing a small current in the plates when they are moved. Thus they are magnetised and the inner parts of the plates have opposite charges, making them attract. Occam’s razor approves this, and erases quantum fart theor

'Gravitational time dillation' is caused by the earth magnetic field. General relativity is wrong (again)

Since I have disproved general relativity, and gravitational time dillation with it, people unable to comprehend or admit the simple fact that Einstein was wrong ask me 'but how do you explain that clocks on earth tick slower than clocks in space ? Only general relativity can explain that ! '. Except it doesn't. Because just like space, time isn't a physical object and can't dillate, bend, expand, contract, etc. Just like there isnt anything in a space that can curve or expand, there is nothing in a time that can dillate.  The slowing of the atomic clocks is simply caused by the earth's magnetic field which affects the clock. You see, in space the magnetic field is less strong than on earth, as the strength of the magnetic field decreases with distance- just like gravity. And the atomic clocks are based on cesium atoms which are metal and are affected by the magnetic field. In fact, the atomic clock itself contains a magnet which separates low energy cesium atom

If time flows slower in a gravitational field, why are all objects falling at a faster rate ? Gravitational time dillation debunked.

  According to general relativity, time flows slower inside a gravitational field, and flows faster as we move outside it. A clock on the surface of the earth will tick slower than a clock situated on a sky plane, or in a space sattelite. So it will show less time has passed than the clock up high in the sky, or in space, because the needle of the clock on earth will move slower from one second to another than the one in the sky, making every second longer, or dillated.  But why don't objects fall slower into a gravitational field then ? Speed is distance over time, so if time passes slower and slower as we move inside a gravitational field, then it would obviously take more and more time to travel the same distance.   Which is the exact opposite of what is actually happening. The falling speed increases as we fall in the gravitational field, because the gravitational pull and acceleration increases with the invert square law (the pulling force gets stronger into, and weaker out of

Is gravity a force or a space? If it's not a force, then why is it measured in Newton? If it's a curved spacetime, then why isn't it measured in Einstein, or in curved metersecond?

‘According to Einstein’s general theory of relativity, time and space are fused together in a quantity known as spacetime. Within this theory, massive objects cause spacetime to curve, and gravity is simply the curvature of spacetime.’ ( If space and time are fused together, like Einstein claims, then the only way to measure his spacetime is in metersecond, and curved spacetime in curved metersecond. It makes no sense to use time and distance as separate units. Just like it makes no sense to measure the curvature of spacetime which he calls gravity in Newtons. Because that is not a force, and therefore we can’t use the measuring unit of force to measure a non-force. But these relative physicists don’t really care about getting the units right, and go as far as to claim that Einstein’s cosmoiilogical constant Lambda, which has unit of 1/m^2, represents the energy density of vacuum ! When the unit should be Joule/m^3. And then they wonder why they get the worst prediction i

  Why is the Quantum Field Theory still accepted by scientists after it produced 'the worst prediction in the history of physics' aka the Vacuum Catastrophe? It is clearly a FALSIFIED theory, and anyone who still uses it is catastrophically stupid

  Why is the Quantum Field Theory still accepted by scientists after it produced 'the worst prediction in the history of physics' aka the Vacuum Catastrophe? It is clearly a FALSIFIED theory, and anyone who still uses it is catastrophically stupid! Marius L. Vasile Besides this obvious answer, which no one can deny, it is because they need this Quantum Fart Theory to produce their vaccum fart energy which makes space expand at an accelerated rate in their big bang cosmoillogical model. Which completelly contradicts special relativity and the mass-energy equivalence which states that energy is equivalent to MASS, not with NO MASS, or a vacuum. The equation E=mc^2 clearly shows that a vacuum has no intrinsic energy because it has no mass. And even if vacuum or empty space had mass or energy (by reduction to absurdum), in general relativity mass and energy CURVES space, it does not expand it. So this absurd vacuum energy would just create more gravity aka curved space and make the

Big bang theory contradicts special and general relativity

Big Bang theory contradicts general and special relativity The standard cosmoillogical model or Big Bang theory is entirely based on the notions of vacuum energy and space expansion. These two concepts are incompatible with special and general relativity, which are used by big bang scientists to model their expanding big-bang universe. In special relativity, energy is equivalent with mass. If energy is equivalent with mass, how can a vacuum or empty space have any energy ?​ It can't. Because a vacuum by definition contains no mass. So it can't have any energy either. The energy of vacuum is precisely ZERO according to SR and the equation E=mc^2 ! In this theory, empty space or vacuum cannot contain any energy, since it contains no mass which can be equivalated with energy E=mc^2. How can anyone claim that vacuum has energy, without rejecting this equation and special relativity altogether ? And even if vacuum had mass or energy, how can that energy expand space ? Again, it can’

Pound and Rebka experiment debunked by Compton effect

The Pound-Rebka experiment, produced in 1959 at Harvard University, is considered to be the last of the three classic tests of General relativity. The experiment allegedly proved the existence of gravitational redshift predicted by Einstein in his theory. In this gravitational redshift experiment a gamma ray is send through a helium bag to an iron target and a gammaray detector, which are placed below it in air.  Because the iron only absorbs the gammaray at a certain wavalength, if the wavelength changes, it will not absorb it, and it will go through it and in the detector. So  if the gammaray passes through the iron target and gets detected it means that it was shifted by gravity, just as Einstein predicted. (actually it doesn't mean that) The reason why they used a helium bag was 'to minimise scattering'. By scattering they reffer to  Compton scattering  which affects both Xrays and gammarays, which get  redshifted  in the process (but of course they forgot to mention th

Criticism of Pound and Rebka experiment in light of Compton effect

Some relative scientists have reviewed my paper on refractional redshift and claim that gammarays do not refract at all, because they are scattered by the medium.  If that is true, then  how does the gamma ray even reach the detector ? They ignore the fact that Helium was used in order 'to minimise scattering', and allow the gammaray to reach the detector, which was placed outside the helium bag, in air. They dont wonder why they placed the detector in air, though, if they wanted to minimise scattering. To me, it looks like they really wanted to get a refraction. Or, if not a refraction, then a scattering from air. Because i f there is scattering of the gammarays then automatically they will be redshifted. Compton scattering always results in a redshifted X-ray or gamma-ray. So I dont see how this helps their argument really. As in the absence of refraction, the ray will be redshifted by Compton scattering.  And that is not a gravitational redshift either. Which means they conf

Photonzilla: the quantum particle that dwarfs Godzilla

Directed by Albert Einstein (Spielberg lost the plot) According to Einstein’s particle-wave duality,   A radio photon can be miles long. Isn't that a bit of a stretch for a 'quantum particle' ?​ How is a mile long radio photon a quantum particle, given that quantum physics describe how the universe works at incredibly small scales ? I mean this radio particle is way way bigger than an anaconda, or make that 100 anacondas. Its a real monster, and should star in Godzilla. As Photonzilla. Not in science. This is what Einstein's particle-wave duality leads to. To an enormity of astronomical proportions. But he got the Nobel prize for this enormity, so he must be right. Cause we all know that when you win something you are right. Even when you contradict yourself like a complete idiot. And you really cant argue with that golden statue. That is absolute proof that Photonzilla exists, and that Einstein's contradiction I mean theory of light is correct. wikipedia said: Quan

Electronic redshift (e-shift)

ELECTRONIC REDSHIFT: when ‘photon’ meets electron Vasile Effect   wikipedia said: In  physics , a  redshift  is an increase in the  wavelength , and corresponding decrease in the  frequency  and  photon energy , of  electromagnetic radiation  (such as  light ). Brainly said: When a photon of light hits an electron, the photon transfers some of its energy to the electron. If the photon has enough energy, it can excite the electron, which means that it can raise the electron to a higher energy state. In other words, the photon's energy can be absorbed by the electron, causing the electron to move to a higher energy level within an atom or molecule. Which means the 'photon' is essentially redshifted each time it bumbs into an electron, as the loss in energy translates to an increase in wavelength ! So light can be redshifted by any type of matter or medium which it encounters through space,  as all matter is made from atoms which are made of electrons. And especially by plas